Monday, May 7, 2012

Bleeding Kansas- 1854-1858

During the years of 1854 and 1858 the state of Kansas was going through a time of great anger which did not take long to lead to violence. What first caused citizens to become angry was the Kansas-Nebraska Act. This act allowed the people of Kansas and Nebraska to choose whether or not it is a slave state which goes completely against the Missouri Compromise. With slavery already being an ongoing issue in the states this didn’t make it any better, in fact it made it worse. Violence soon broke out between the people in Kansas as well as in the state Senate. Senator Charles Sumner decided to make a 2-day speech about this new act and how it was not appropriate. During this speech he had brought up three people in particular and not in a good way. When I say "Not in a good way" I mean, bashing them due to their part in the new Act. Unfortunately one of the Congressmen present had been related to one of those people causing his to get angry and savagely beat Sumner with his cane on the Senate floor.  This event was a direct result of the the Kansas-Nebraska Act and surely caused a lot of commotion between the north and the south and the violence continued.

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