Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Uncle Toms Cabin 1852

Published in 1852 Uncle Tom’s Cabin was a best-selling novel . Harriet Beecher Stowe  described the cruelties of slavery through the story of a dignified slave whose name was Uncle Tom. In the novel Stowe goes on through Tom’s experiences as a slave, with three slaveholders. Two of the slaveholders treated him kindly, but the third slaveholder Simon Legree would abuse Tom. Eventually Tom was whipped too death for having refused to tell where two escaped laves were hiding . Harriet Beecher Stowe was hoping this novel would help bring slavery to a quick and peaceful end. But alas it was not to be, instead the book increased the hostility of many northerners towards the south and the southerners to the northerners . southerners saw her description of slavery was both inaccurate and an insult to their way of life. The north found it heart breaking and they wanted slavery to end. The south was not pleased, they were upset the book was about a slave.The south believed slaves had no rights to be free or have no owner.This increased conflict between the north and the south.

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